If you need tailored organisational help in Pirkanmaa, Finland for your home, I'm happy to help. I am a trained professional organiser Henna Paakinaho and organise homes via my company The Flow of Home .
I offer free consultation and a satisfaction guarantee for my work. Call 044 324 9483 or send me a message henna@ruuhkaton.fi
Latest Blog posts on home organisation and decluttering:

Why we keep buying more - Part 2: Managing expectations
In the run-up to Christmas, I was struck again by this thought: what are my or my family's expectations for Christmas? Should there be candles,...

Why we keep buying more - Part 1: Consumption choices
As a professional organiser, I believe that spending is one of the most important aspects of managing everyday life in the life of a busy career person with a family. Our consumption decisions have far-reaching...

Why does downsizing your household goods increase satisfaction?
The year is coming to an end and in our culture this usually also means a collective need to finalise ongoing projects and tasks....

Bommi under the bed - how many toys is too many?
Does your child have a clear favourite toy or a few beloved ones that they take with them on almost every play and outing...

More is more - Why does our mind guide us to hoard and make it difficult to declutter?
I used to be this person for whom more is more of something. Maybe a moment of joy, comfort, security, That Something. I don't...

Get your home in shape with the Hushing the House method
How can you get anything done by hushing?! But this technique is a real diamond in the rough. Try this in your trouble corner or...