The picture shows shelves with flowers and less stuff than before the shushing.

Get your home in shape with the Hushing the House method

How can you get anything done by hushing?! This method is a real diamond in the rough. Try this in your problem corner or room right away. Getting your home in order with the hushing technique means completely clearing out a room or problem area for one day. The area is then filled in consciously and by making careful choices once the brain has become accustomed to the empty space. Nu kör vi, let's get organised!

Hush your house - here's how to do it

How do you do this hushing or silencing of the home? First, you decide where to store all the stuff in your chosen room. The room should be in a different place, so that you can't see the things when you look at the room to be silenced. So reserve a storage space in a different room.

The picture shows a shelf with flowers and stuff. The Home Makeover shuffle technique helps you clear out stuff. Professional organiser Henna Paakinaho Ruuhkaton arki

Clear everything else out of the area, except furniture. Here you can now choose whether to clear only the visible objects or also the cabinets in the room (more ambitious). Clean the room of excess dust.

Look and wonder at the space, it can feel very different!

Who writes here?

The blog is written by a marketing pro-turned-professional-organiser, a mother of three, Henna Paakinaho from Pirkanmaa, Finland. I have strong track record managing both home and demanding career in busy years. Through Ruuhkaton I help my clients to focus on their everyday life instead of unnecessary stuff. Nice to have you here!

The picture shows an empty shelf, except for a soft toy brought by a child on the shelf. In the shushing technique, one area is completely emptied for 24 hours.

The Hushing method resets the brain

The intention is not to make decisions at the start of the hushing exercise. You may even feel really strange or sad as you empty the space, or you may gradually cheer up as the space empties.

All feelings are now being welcomed, as they will give you tips on how to deal with your home in the future.

Once the space has been empty for a day or two, you can start going through your stuff. Pick out the things that are important to you, that bring you joy or that you find practical. Consciously think about what value the item adds to the room or your home.

Reserve time to finish the hushing

Recycle the rest of the goods. If you're not sure about something, you can leave it in a thinking capsule, which I recommend placing stored in another room. Ideally, there should be one storage area in your home, where uncertain items are placed for a while to allow time to do its work and make it easier to decide.

The picture shows shelves with flowers and less stuff than before the shushing. Henna Paakinaho Ruuhkaton arki

After hushing, it is important to recycle the goods that have been decluttered. Allow time for this part of the process, so you're not suddenly in a situation where your decluttered items are living on the floor of another room in a reusable bag (yep, this happened to us the first time).

So make sure you allow enough time for recycling so you can finish the fiddling and really enjoy your home. Getting rid of even a few things works wonders.

In the photo: trained trade union organiser Henna Paakinaho from Pirkkala

If you need tailored organisational help in Pirkanmaa for your home, I'm happy to help. I am a trained professional organiser Henna Paakinaho and organise homes via my company Ruuhkaton arki .

I offer free consultation and a satisfaction guarantee for my work. Call 044 324 9483 or send me a message

When is the right time to hush your home?

If you're feeling vaguely stressed or anxious in your home or a room, but don't know what to declutter or where to start - try this hushing technique! It works amazingly well.

Resetting helps you to understand your real needs. Conscious choices help weed out the emotional clutter.

Stuff accumulates unnoticed, and the brain gets used to it, even if we are burdened by it. You can read an article about the downside of accumulation here: Five proven reasons to start declutter.

This method has been developed by Myquillyn Smith and you can find it in the book House rules.

If you need help organising your home and everyday life, contact me! I organise homes especially for families with children in the Pirkanmaa region, Finland, and I train parents in the skills of managing their belongings, decluttering and organising.

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