Why we keep buying more - Part 1: Consumption choices
Ammattijärjestäjänä mielestäni kuluttaminen on yksi keskeisimmista arjen hallintaan vaikuttavista asioista kiireisen perheellisen uraihmisen elämässä. Kulutuspäätöksillämme on kauaskantoisia…
Ammattijärjestäjänä mielestäni kuluttaminen on yksi keskeisimmista arjen hallintaan vaikuttavista asioista kiireisen perheellisen uraihmisen elämässä. Kulutuspäätöksillämme on kauaskantoisia…
The year is coming to an end and in our culture this usually also means a collective need to finalise ongoing projects and tasks....
I used to be this guy for whom more is more of something. Maybe a moment of joy, comfort, security, That Something. I don't...
I took part in the Finnish Trade Union Confederation's annual discussion on How much is enough? In my speech, together with trade union pioneer Anne...
Excessive clutter in our homes and the chaos it brings is a threat to both our physical and mental health, according to research. Messy...
Shame is a strong emotion that can even dominate your life. You can feel so ashamed that you don't want to invite anyone...
Aalto University published a study this spring on the clutter and load of the internet browser. The topic seems really topical during the holidays...
Toys are mysterious things: very important, constantly on the move and quickly multiplying. But how many toys do your children need?...
Play is indisputably important for a child's development. That's why it doesn't seem so simple to choose which toys to prune and which to...