An organised home makes it easier to invite guests and receive unexpected visitors. The picture shows a table with a tablecloth and offerings, including a watermelon frog and berries

A peaceful and inspiring home and a clutter-free everyday life

You know that feeling when he's wagging the dog, so to speak? This can happen when your home suddenly becomes a repository for everything you own, or when you're running from one task to the next. When you cram clean clothes into a full cupboard, cups and skips threaten to fall out of the cupboard when you open the door, and you move the biggest toy bags and shopping bags out of the way with your foot to get around. The home then doesn't serve you, but loudly demands your attention. A restful and inspiring home and a clutter-free everyday life - does that even exist for anyone but the super-rich?

It is also possible for a working parent with a young child to have a congestion-free living space and a home that serves everyday life, and I'll tell you what it takes to make that happen.

A similar clusterfuck can also live in the mind, as a meta-bag. It is just as horrifying and even more stressful for humans. The crammed daily routine takes your breath away even before Monday morning and exhaustion overwhelms you when you stop for even a second.

But let's focus for a moment on the physical environment, because in my experience, getting one person into a good spiral also feeds the other.

Who writes here?

The blog is written by a marketing pro-turned-professional-organiser, a mother of three, Henna Paakinaho from Pirkanmaa, Finland. I have strong track record managing both home and demanding career in busy years. Through Ruuhkaton I help my clients to focus on their everyday life instead of unnecessary stuff. Nice to have you here!

What would it be like to wake up in a peaceful home?

How would you feel if the first thing you saw when you woke up in the morning was a clean and serene bedroom? Your clothes would be easy to choose in just a few minutes. Your bathroom would be a similarly tidy world, ready for your morning activities and to inspire you for a new day. A trip through the living room would tune your senses to a peaceful morning - there'd be nothing lying on the floor and the floors would be empty.

The rays of the morning sun would bring a smile to your face. In the kitchen, you'd grab a cup of morning coffee without any effort, without anything falling out of the cupboard into your lap. The sink would be empty. A morning moment would make you feel relaxed, even if you'd soon have to. But you could take a moment to catch your breath before the challenges of the new day, at least a minute or two before the rest of the family wakes up.

The picture shows a sunny meadow. A peaceful and inspiring home and an uncongested everyday life is possible even during busy periods.
A quiet home and uncluttered hours help you get to work and enjoy family time together.

The journey out the door would be straightforward too: your work bag would be in place, ready to grab and go. All your other belongings would also be easily found, in their own places, when you need them. The only trouble would be remembering what to take with you today.

Similarly, the morning activities of the offspring would flow just as smoothly, with clothes on, pompoms in the hair and backpacks on. But a few cries for help or a little help from the activity director wouldn't annoy you, let alone disrupt your schedule. At least you'd get to the nursery almost on time and have 98 % of the things you need. And if you missed something, you'd know immediately how to correct a similar slip-up in your system in the future.

What would it be like to come home to a restful home after a day's work?

After a day at work, you could get dinner on the table smoothly and spend time together without the constant feeling of having to do something else. Chores would be done together, instead of taking up the whole evening. In the evening, the kids would only need a little reminder to collect their belongings instead of you blowing up at them in a huff - only to be left in second place and in a bad mood again. Instead, you'd be delighted at how easily and effortlessly you managed the chores again today.

In the evening, you could get to bed early or have some time to yourself. Clearing the kitchen floor would seem like a small job, it would only take 15 minutes of your evening. In the morning, you could enjoy another peaceful morning.

The picture shows soft toys on towels relaxing with their throats open
Ruuhkaton arki allows for moments of rest. A restful home also invites playfulness in a different way than a space occupied by toys.

The most important role of the home is to support basic needs in peak years

This is a restful home, and it is possible to achieve it even in a busy year. It's the kind of home that helps us to catch up with the world and recover from our busy work. A restful home helps to maintain our sense of security, which is a prerequisite for recovery. An organised home helps us to stay in touch with the people who matter.

Our basic needs of eating, cleaning and rest play a major role in such a home. Everything is even designed with them in mind, because we know and believe that they are the most important pillars of our lives. With our basic needs in place, we can be rested, creative and even outdo ourselves.

An organised home helps balance career and family

We need a home that not only provides us with basic activities and security, but also a home that inspires us: a home where we can do things that are important to us and spend time with people we care about and love. In this way, the home serves us in every aspect of our needs: we can eventually even surpass ourselves and flourish, because the home has our back in all the challenges of everyday life. We can be inspired and inspired. 

You may now be thinking, what on earth, this is not realism, is it? It can also evoke feelings of disgust, bitterness or omission. This may seem possible to someone else who has been dealt a different card. It can also feel guilty, that you should be able to do this?!

Ruuhkaton home is the choice

But it's not a miracle, a treat for the few or a unique secret. Such a restful and inspiring home can be achieved even in busy times. But it takes determination and resolve to move towards such a home and daily life, because you will have to swim a little against the current culture.

The picture shows a loose wardrobe and clothes hanging on hangers

If you're fed up with all the clutter, rush, bickering and chaos in your home, a little resistance is worth it. The tools are at your fingertips! You can do the journey all by yourself or ask for help, which is more than okay - you don't have to do it alone.

You may have guessed correctly that you have to give something up anyway.

To have a peaceful home, you have to give up unnecessary stuff and clutter

Nothing is free, and you can't achieve a relaxed home without determination and effort. But I promise you that the uncluttered daily life and the occasional experience of timelessness in the daily life of a family with young children is worth the effort. Try it. You can always go back to the way things were.

Everyone defines for themselves what is unnecessary or too much for this moment in life.

Most of us could give away up to 90 % of our possessions and we might not even realise we miss these items. On average, we only use 10 % of our belongings. It is estimated that there are about 50 000 items in Finnish homes, so 5 000 items would be enough to last us for the rest of our lives. If you once looked at Goods Sky document, you may recall that the protagonist felt that he was already doing very well with around 100 items. Surely you could do with less?

Do it yourself - a home cleaner's path to a congestion-free everyday life

You can find many articles on this Ruuhkattoman blog already to get you started with your home clearance.

In addition, Youtube is full of Declutter-themed content. But the key is your determination: a peaceful, safe and inspiring home is within reach, but do you want a clutter-free daily life? Do you want everything to have a place and everything to be in its place? Are you prepared to give up a fair amount of shopping to keep your home uncluttered and spacious? And, are you ready to face the emotions and difficult issues you may find in the midst of the clutter?

If you're really fed up and ready for a change, then start. Start somewhere. A bedroom is a well-researched target for optimising rest replenishment, but so is clearing out a storage room to get started.

With a professional, you can effectively get stuck into your new everyday life

But if you've already tried organising on your own or simply don't have the time, buy some help. If you're needed more elsewhere, it's perfectly OK to save your own energy for the demands of a day job or time with family, and buy help for the organising project.

The job of a trade union organiser gives you a 60 % household tax credit and personally, I also give a satisfaction guarantee on my work, because I know I can help.

As a professional organiser, I help you find the most critical bottlenecks in your home that make everyday life difficult. Together, we'll go through both the big picture and the goals of each organizing session before we carve out your home, point by point, to make it your dream home for everyday living. This doesn't mean hours of meetings, but effective goal-setting and concrete goods work, with room for change to suit your everyday needs.

In the photo: trained trade union organiser Henna Paakinaho from Pirkkala

If you need tailor-made organisational help in Pirkanmaa for your home, I'm happy to help. I am a trained professional organiser, economist Henna Paakinaho and organise homes via my company Ruuhkaton arki .

I offer free consultation and a satisfaction guarantee for my work. Call 044 324 9483 or send me a message

You can save your best efforts to advance your career and spend time with your loved ones, while an organisation professional advises you on the best route to take. However, nothing is removed without permission and I will respect your home, while challenging at the appropriate level and encouraging the removal of completely unnecessary baggage that you are likely to keep in your home too.

I also organise workshops on skills, which have proven to be effective thought-provoking tools. If you're feeling stuck and can't quite get the family excited - come along to a workshop! Participants have found the workshops have helped them to continue organising on their own, as they have organised their ideas together. Check the date of the next workshop.

What kind of everyday life do you choose?

I don't want to blame anyone, but I am curious to know what kind of everyday life you would like to live? If you take up this challenge now, and organise your home, you'll end up with more.

Are you choosing more days, weeks and months in the midst of a chaotic daily life? Are you taking action or accepting help? If you do things differently now, you'll gradually get into the life of your dreams.

A woman on the beach among the reeds on a sunny day. A peaceful and inspiring home and a quiet, uncrowded everyday life also allow you to enjoy everyday life instead of just being busy.

Isn't giving up and clearing out a terrible hassle in the midst of everyday life?

Giving up is especially mentally demanding work, which is why we only do this concrete work and mental giving up an appropriate amount at a time. I will help and support the process. If at any time you can't and don't have the energy, that's okay. There's no unnecessary pruning, and each time we make progress, at least in terms of thoughts.

Many people are nervous about how to fit organisation work into a busy week for tired adults and children. Personally, I wonder how many more days in your old home will you be able to cope? Organising work can be done in the middle of the week, as long as you take care of your nutrition and a suitable work schedule. I'll take a break if the break is in danger of being forgotten.

For the children, a visit from the organiser is usually a fun activity to do together, and it's easy to get things moving when you remember the meals and breaks. Children tend to be naturally effective organisers when they have an adult professional to support them.

The workshops are carefully structured so that you get the right amount of information, work, peer support and a plan. There is also time for fun and enjoying life. We don't teach you how to quilt, but you might still surprise yourself by being inspired even to quilt, as happened to one participant. Read my customers' thoughts on the services page.

How long does it take to get your dream home organised?

This depends entirely on your starting point and resources, but on average it takes about a year to clear a home in a reasonable timeframe in the middle of a rush hour. Sounds a bit discouraging perhaps, but if you start today, next year will be your first congestion-free weekday. So don't put this off any longer.

You can speed up the process by giving it time and buying in additional resources, for example to help the trade union organiser. A friend as an extra pair of hands is also a good solution.

So what does Ruuhkaton arki require?

  • Prioritising your everyday choices and being decisive
  • Goal and time
  • Giving up and changing buying behaviour
  • Support and tools for change
  • Maintaining the system and routines

All these areas can be worked on alone or with a friend or professional. As a trained professional organiser, I can support and streamline your process. I also have tools for the whole family, so that change is not left to one family member.

A peaceful and inspiring home and a clutter-free everyday life - how does it feel? Imagine your new daily routine: your mornings run smoothly, your kids find their own things, you even experience a sense of calm in the middle of Wednesday morning. Fewer arguments, more togetherness. You can choose the things that are important to you, your belongings no longer hold you back or literally crank out your wishes for a restful everyday life.

An organised home makes it easier to invite guests and receive unexpected visitors. The picture shows a table with a tablecloth and offerings, including a watermelon frog and berries
An organised home can also accommodate parties and partygoers, as well as everyday surprise guests, without the cleaning panic.

You can organise parties and let the villagers in without panic. Suddenly, you'll have lots of new, fun and exciting things to do. You might find more time for exercise or take up an old hobby again. You feel liberated and effortless. You'll save a surprising amount of time and money by freeing up resources for other things. You may even wonder why you didn't do this before.

Isn't it time you said yes to your own needs?

Contact I will help you for a phone call free of charge! Subscribe at Ruuhkattoman Newsletter, and you will receive tips from a professional organiser directly in your inbox every month.

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