August calendar, with a reminder to order food on Tuesday and a reminder to refill it on Monday, and a calendar booklet for other notes.

4 routines to improve quality of life in busy years

I used to think that routines were quite boring and prevented me from having fun and relaxing. How wrong I was! Here are 4 quality of life routines for busy years. Maybe these would be useful for you too?

1. Clean your kitchen every day

By cleaning the kitchen every night, you can start the morning by relaxing instead of staring at dirty dishes and getting frustrated. I consider myself lucky because all this stuff has now made cleaning effortless and quick.

I still spend at least five seconds every day trying to think why I shouldn't have to clean the kitchen. Most of the time I manage to stick to the routine and in the morning I am greeted by a relaxed kitchen. If you're like me. Gabe Bult tweeted in a YouTube post 5 second rule for super productivity a great reverse launch tip for procrastinators. So the idea is to count 5-4-3-2-1, and go! The tip is originally Mel Robbinsin 5 second rule (this one is still on my reading list, so more on that later).

2. Plan your menu for the week ahead

When you're planning the menu for the week ahead, you don't have to spend 15 minutes each day doing this. This is one of the many everyday routines that really save you time and nerves. My personal dislikes though, but with repetition I've found that I hate thinking about meals in a hurry more than anything else, with the situation already on my mind.

It takes about 10-15 minutes once a week to make a list, but inconceivably the same thing can take the same amount of time EVERY DAY if not done centrally. Exhaustion of the plan also usually means a shortage of raw materials, i.e. extra minutes to the shop or expensive takeaway food. This can really save euros and time - up to several hours a week!

A child draws on a wipe-off Martha's Weekly Calendar with a marker at the table.

I got myself a great reusable plastic base from Marto's, which I scribble out the upcoming week's dishes on Sundays - I usually take a photo, as this prevents the need to remember the contents.
Here you can have a look at the Marttias' menu for the week for families with children.

3. Calendaring of the household calendar

This is one of our series of tips that really work. I'm a big fan of weekends and I refuse to book many things, but a couple of friends and I tend to mark a night out well in advance in our diaries. Booking a calendar for fun is pure gold in the middle of a busy year.

Once the fun has been had, it's routine to make your next booking straight away. This can also be done on your own, as long as you find it relaxing and fun. Even if the booking is known in advance, the content can be spontaneous.

4. Order food regularly

Make a regular food order up to a month in advance. This tip will also save you a lot of nerves and euros. Some retail food orders become more expensive the closer you get to the pick-up or delivery date, or simply don't have any available. So as well as saving euros, this routine will save you a lot of hair.

Always place an order for the same day of the week, and you will automatically start to make the menu and replenish the order on the days before. You'll thank yourself in the weeks and years to come when your mind is one meta-job clearer again.

Speaking of meta-work, with school and everyday life continuing, it seems to be hitting some of them pretty hard. If you feel like you've got a thousand things on your mind and you don't even know where to start and what's important, contact us! I package services Become a master of metalwork -meeting, after which your mind will breathe a sigh of relief and things will start to get back on track.

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What is your favourite inhokki routine? Do you have any tips for more quality of life routines for busy years?

Who writes here

The blog is written by a marketing pro-turned-professional-organiser, a mother of three, Henna Paakinaho. Welcome to the hearing!

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